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Starting January 1, 2020, you must be equipped with ADS-B Out to fly in most controlled airspace. We can finance your upgrade.
Check out ADSB Mandate “Demystified” at http://www.flyingmag.com/avionics-gear/instrumentaccessories/ads-b-mandate-options-demystified
Advice from Garmin….https://www.garmin.com/us/intheair/ads-b
Advice from AOPA…https://www.aopa.org/go-fly/aircraft-and-ownership/ads-b/ads-b-selector
Advice on ADSB from the FAA….how does a WAAS GPS effect ADSB?…..https://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ato/service_units/techops/navservices/gnss/faq/waas/
Advice from Cincinnati Avionics…..